Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

Making pom-poms

Having a crafty day as it's been pouring almost all day. Started off revamping some shelves in the hall adding some colour and style, then decorated a lovely shaped sweetie jar and now I'm making pom-poms as part of something I have planned in the near future. I also learned to make a chain in crotchet - I promised to teach myself a new craft this year, and crotchet was the choice.

Discovered last night / the best part of today: that my most favourite meal of macaroni and cheese doesn't agree with me anymore!! Hate whatever is going on in my stomach!!

Blaine had a haircut today all ready for returning to school next week. I could do with a cut too but I'm leaning towards going really cropped again, and I think it's best to wait for the warmer months.

Still doing research on the best dog for us and the one at the top of the list at the moment, if we don't go for a pavement special is a Cavachon, think as a first time dog owner they're a bit easier to handle and train being a smaller dog and not too strong that they'd take us for a walk. Can't believe the price of dogs here though.

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