Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Putting away the deccies

This was today's main job. I realise it's probably a bit early but I like to get back to normal asap - if the kids and hubby would let me I'd do it on the 27th!! I love the way the kids mither me to get the decorations out and are very helpful, I even came home from work to a decorated tree this Christmas, but when it's time to put them away, you don't see them for dust!!

M and K returned from my dad's today after having had a great time. Dad spoils them rotten and they enjoy each others' company which is lovely.

I'm now thinking that I really should begin to do a bit of work for next week as it's back to school and I haven't done a thing really! Oops! However, the rest has been lovely and greatly needed.

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