Spring to Life

By MarkSpringett

Driving home for Christmas

Well, to work actually. With phone set up to capture video on the windscreen holder (experimenting with slow and fast mo'), it has captured the meerest glimpse of the hope of clear weather coming, after days and days and days of rain and gloom.

The hope was pretty short lived when some of the hardest rain we have had in months decides to lash the windows of the works canteen. I'd just finished my breakfast when drip drip drip on my head and newspaper the rain had made it's way indoors.

Come lunchtime I had decided for a longer walk but just before leaving I unusually checked the sky the other side of the office...good job I did, having elected for a shorter walk in view of the fast moving clouds, I returned just as the second torrent of the day decended turning day into night and the poor guys who were fixing the heating had to retreat in something of a hurry.

With a number of flood alerts in the UK I just hope it stops raining very soon, otherwise we'll all be under water.

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