
By Nenz

Uninvited 'guests'

This is the sight of what I think is the mighty oak trying to establish itself in our front yard. Mmmm, now don't get me wrong, the transformation from cute little acorn to mighty oak tree has to be admired but,....the spot it is in is not the most oakable choice so to say. Too close to the fence, too close to the garden path, pretty unplanned so to say. In another 30-40 years there might be this beautiful tree somewhere proudly scanning the surrounding area, but I am afraid it might have to be somewhere else.

This Sunday started off with howling winds and persistent rain which had been pounding most of the night. I imagined a day drinking coffee on the couch while watching the world go by, but suddenly after lunch, the sun broke through, the wind still going but hey, I weigh too much to be picked up and tossed around by a bit of a breeze. So, yo-ho, yo-ho, out we go, pruned some branches, did some weeding, pondered about the oak and its placement. We also have a few cherry tree look-a-likes sprouting. Anyway, it turned out a productive day and next Sunday we'll be eating with my mum and Frida!! Can't wait!

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