
By dups

High country drama

We left lake Pukaki around lunch time it had rained early in the morning and was blowing again the lake had big waves coming in around its shore line. Mt Cook was nowhere to be seen! It was obviously raining up there.

The sun is shining again.

We stopped for a look around the shops, only a few there!a Latte and the paper! at Twizel which is a small settlement built to house the workers which made the long canals between each lake producing hydro power for the country. Now the town is a busy tourist spot and most of the houses are holiday homes, it gets extremely hot in the summer and cold in the winter and has had many a hoar frosts and frozen pipes in its time.

The image is near Twizel and although the clouds looked threatening nothing came of it, and the sun shone while we went for a nice walk along the ponds.

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