Falling into Perspective........

........This morning in the drizzling rain we decided to go down to the beach and was surprised how many people had the same idea. It was such a relief after yesterdays heat.

Still feeling pissed off about my Specs everything fell into perspective when I saw underneath the beautiful colored umbrella was a young family...new baby and a mad dog digging his way to China.......the woman had two Prosthetic legs.

It made me realise how easily I can get caught up and waste time feeling crap about silly things.
I remember when my friends car broke down and cost her a lot of money..she came over with a bottle of red to celebrate...I thought she was mad at the time but now I see the wisdom in it.

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.
Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
― Rumi (not the dog)

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