Thankful that the nights are starting to get lighter...slowly :)

Well I didn't manage to get up as early as planned, however I did manage to go out for a run. Having not been on a run for 4/5 weeks (oops!) it was obviously not the easiest although I did keep going for longer than I had originally thought I would. It felt really good to be out running :)

In the afternoon I made some chilli con carne for a late lunch, making enough (I thought) for one meal and another three. Somehow I have ended up with six portions of chilli to go in my freezer! That should keep me going for a while...

Trip to the cinema with Yvonne and Hannah to see The Hobbit and say farewell/happy birthday to Yvonne. It is a really good film, however I definitely enjoy other types of films more and it is quite drawn out. Great to see the girls though :)

The evening was spent with Heather, Anna & Rachel - lovely quiet night in full of laughs, chat and nibbles. Time flies when you're having fun and it was nearly 1am before we finally left for home :)

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