It has been a while!

Final day of my Christmas holidays and it has been great. I am incredibly thankful for two weeks which have been as relaxing and enjoyable as these have been. It was definitely needed! Today was certainly a good end to it.

Church in the morning was a great reminder of the glory of the gospel. Our sin? Gone! After the service a few of us went out for lunch at The Hampton Hotel near Murrayfield; tasty food and good conversations, always a delight.

This evening has mostly been about trying to get things ready for tomorrow, so that I can go to bed knowing that all I need to sort in the morning is myself! Although part of me is looking forward to getting into it again, in some ways I am a tad anxious about going back tomorrow. I suspect that this is mostly to do with knowing that the pace really has to pick up now as I balance reading & writing work with project management aspects. The latter is not my forte! It is currently still intersemester break at university so I am expecting that campus will be quiet which will seem quite strange. Hopefully I will have enough to work on that I won't notice the lack of familiar faces outside of the research team though :)

Having finished getting ready tomorrow and uploaded a backload of blips I decided to get my flute out. I am not sure why I took the notion too, however after at least 6 months of not playing I was slightly concerned that I may have forgotten how to! Thankfully, not so. Although my fingers are now aching slightly at the unusual exercise and my embouchure is badly out of shape I was able to play my way through a few old favourites. Despite the decline in sound quality and going rather red in the face when tackling Bach, I enjoyed it! Perhaps I will keep my flute of the cupboard now and make a point of picking it up to play once in a while.

Time to wind down, read, get to bed and hope I manage to wake on time tomorrow!

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