
By eseifried

Haircuts for E'rebody

The man's hair grows fast. Like a-haircut-at-least-twice-a-month kind of fast. Today we tested out the new clippers on these three crazies. The man needed it to avoid the inevitable cowlicks that accompany 'long' hair. The girls needed them to go back to school. If we're honest, I'll probably give all three of them haircuts before school starts back again, but it was nice to do something different yet 'normal' today. I'm realizing how often I crave 'normal'. My mom taught us that "normal is just a setting on a dryer"… which is true, I suppose. Yet I crave things I know as 'normal' when all things are a little chaotic. We aren't experiencing chaos here in KK, but Juba is yet again chaotic today. It's comforting to trust and live in God's grace, and experience a normal, like a haircut, today.

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