It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Saxon Mill.....

A quick trip out with the lovely Paula...I know you have all been missing her...I sure have :-(

Went to Saxon Mill near Warwick. The car park there is about to be flooded if we get anymore rain! It was bloomin freezing and blowing a hoolie!!!
My hands went numb in minutes. Took a few but wasn't happy with them as we were both getting dark shots with a blown out sky! I used two Lee filters on this. A 0.6 and a 0.3 still showing blown highlights on the histogram!

A grey cloudy day?
No we didn't get it either!

So I played with mine in CS6 and Colour Efex. Got there in the end.

Thank you all so much for commenting on here and Flickr with my Disco shots! You are all bloomin amazing and I feel so much happier you all like them ;-))
I have crawled onto the spotlight again.
Thank you

I'm going to add a link to a very rushed video I took with the D800 last night. The quality is poor but it shouldn't be as the other videos I have taken have always been brill. Anyway its some Indian Dance the young ones learnt. Its just a bit of fun.

Got a busy night at work tonight.

Draco The Disco Heaven Dragon xx

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