
Resorted to a shot of Bootsy tonight. It is the first in a while though. It was a long and hectic day at work then I hardly had any time before Taekwon Do.

It was a great session tonight and the first time I've made the Friday class in a while. The Friday one is the advanced class so there's always lots of sparring and pad work.

The best bit tonight was a bitt where we had to do sparring with pads up against the wall. one of the people had to keep a part of their body touching the pad at all times meaning you couldn't really step out of the way so you had to rely on either hitting first, dodging or blocking. I was mainly up against black belts so it was hard going but it was great fun all the same.

It was great to finally get a chance to say hello to Queenie too.

Anyway when I got home Bootsy had been at the catnip and was looking mental so there was an easy blip.

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