Strange evening

I'm never normally worried in my own city, even in the middle of massive crowds but tonight for a change I was really really worried.

It had been a really good day up until that point. We started with a bit of a long lie, followed by picking up my new prescription. Then we nipped into town to visit friends Spice, Laurie, Charlie and Millie who we hadn't seen in ages. So long in fact that we hadn't met Millie before.

After a nice visit we went and met one of Maddy's friends as the two of them were staying the night at Maddy's granny's house. We popped down to Sally's for a bit to drop the girls' stuff off than visited other friends before going to the spa.

Once we'd been to the spa it was mexican for tea then out to the cinema. It was after the cinema that the worry set in. When we got out onto the street there was a massive throng of people, thousands of them in fact. Given that it was about quarter past eleven at night this was a bit unusual, even for a Saturday.

It was only after being caught up in the throng for a few minutes that the gravity of the situation and the associated worry set in.....

The crowd had just been to see Sting at the Playhouse and to any innocent passer by it might well have looked like we had too........

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