
By Angelique


Today the weather has been absolotulely awful. No let up at all. Even Phoebe looked outside and thought, nah! Don't fancy that. So we have been marooned.

As you can see nothing deters Matthew from his schedule. He rises at 10.30 when he's at home and insists on having his head in a book by 12.00. If we go anywhere he has to have his head in a book at 12.00, 16.00, and again at 18.00 hours.

And this is one of his new books that he received from us this Christmas. It's on the new Dreamliner, and this is his favourite photo. He will look at it for hours!

He has been at home for his Christmas holiday for 14 days tomorrow and I will be taking him back on my way to work. My boss has been very kind letting me have extra time off, so I mustn't complain, but I know I will have a lot of catching up to do.

The house will be very quiet when I get back tomorrow afternoon, but Phoebe will be glad to see me. She will also miss Matthew as she loves to follow him around and sit on his lap. She understands he is special.

I will try and do some stain glass work tomorrow and that will keep me occupied. I know Matthew finds it difficult but I have reminded him that he's coming home again at the end of the month. I haven't told him, but we're going to Bristol Hippodrome to see West Side Story as a treat. If I told him he would get far too excited and then too stressed.

Hope you have all survived Sunday without being blown over, washed away or too cold. Hoping the weather gets better soon for us all. Much love~~~~ x

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