
By Lynnski

Wash Day

Washing Day

I had just started pegging the washing on the line this morning, when my favourite Australian bird arrived to see what I was doing! The Laughing Kookaburra, so called because of its chuckling raucous call 'Koo -Koo-Koo - Kaa -Kaa -Kaa.

Shortly after that he was joined by a 'Noisy Miner, thus called because of the fact it's noisy. A staring competition ensued and the Laughing Kookaburra won!

Spent a lazy day in the garden pool today in soring temperatures- Oooch feel a little sunburnt!! Later in the afternoon we dashed off to Dee Why beach which is the local beach to where we are staying in Forrestville.

Dan has a new surf board so Chloe has his 'hand-me-down' learners board and made a brilliant effort at surfing. Pictures on FB! I'm very impressed as she hasn't done any since around Easter time. Home again for a barby - prepared by 'Mine-Host's' John and Wendy, who have just returned from their holiday to Wigan!! Somehow there doesn't seem much comparison!!

We re all chanting 'Chuck another shrimp on the barby' and laughing merrily as we've all been dying to say this since we got here! Simple things hey!

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