Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

5,4,3,2,1 BLAST OFF!

After a weekend of lots of family visits, it was back to being just me and P today. I don't mind in the slightest and take every opportunity I can to enjoy her all to myself whilst Im still able.

After a lazy morning we decided to head out for a little 'trike' ride. I had a report from nursery last week that P can now peddle a tricycle by herself and I thought I would see for myself. But alas no such luck! It seems peddling must be one of those things reserved only for when mummy is not around! So I re-attached the handle and pushed her and the trike to the park. I can't walk very far at the moment but P didn't seem to mind. She had a great run around and we had lots of fun running up and down the path pretending to be rockets and blasting off to see the moon from the seesaw.

It's getting dark now. P is watching the Gruffalo's child snuggled on the sofa next to me, we have polished off a little bag of animal biscuits and I think it's time to start thinking what we should have for tea...

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