Legally Old

Today is officially my first day as a OAP. As I am a woman falling within a certain age range, I am awarded my state pension on what seems like a random date between my 60th and 66th birthday. Today. Despite the fact that I applied for my bus pass on the earliest date permitted, it only arrived today. I have lots of plans for it!
I spent much of the day in Derby as I wanted to look at some light fittings I'd seen online. It's less than half an hour on the train from Sheffield so I don't why I've never been before (I'm ignoring the time I was taken as a birthday treat in 1976 to see Derby County play Liverpool). It compares very favourably with Sheffield as a shopping centre, and seemed generally an agreeable place - although a bit of sunshine works wonders pretty much anywhere.
My cold has left me a bit washed out, so I didn't explore as much as I would have liked, although I did see the cathedral, a historic silk mill, the very swollen River Derwent (someone else's river) and a statue of Bonny Prince Charlie. Any of these might have qualified as a blip, but as I was going to the station in Sheffield, I saw this photo opp outside the law courts. Apparently barristers are on strike, protesting about legal aid cuts.

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