
We’ve driven more than 600 miles in the last couple of days, in the wind & rain, and now we’re in Edinburgh. Yay! It’s cold in Edinburgh & the roads are full of potholes!!!

As soon as we arrived I got taken for my walk because it was starting to get dark. I had a good run around at the top of Blackford Hill. Now Ann wants me to eat my dinner and go into snooze mode because she has lots of ‘organising things’ to do.

Ann owns a flat here and her tenant has just moved out, so we are here for 2/3 weeks so that she can repaint the whole place and generally just check out what else needs to be done. Why do tenants think that if they load up the balcony with crap and just leave it there, that will be OK? Grrrrrr.

Tonight we are ‘home alone’ but Ann is happy because she has managed to access the internet in the flat. We love BTfon!

I am not so happy – there this a reason for this:

...............I know that Ann has lots of friends in Edinburgh and when she goes out with her friends I get left ‘home alone’. She says that city pubs are not like ‘seaside town pubs’ and doggies probably aren’t allowed in?!!

Anyway tonight Ann is making lists:

1 Things she needs to do in the flat.
2 Things she needs to get someone else to do in the flat - If any of you Edinburgh Blippers know of a good multi-talented tradesman(need someone to put in new taps/take out old under floor heating wall controls), that doesn’t mind working in a flat with a neurotic collie, can you let me know.
3 Things that she needs to moan at the letting agents about.

Anyway lots to do so must stop wittering on...........................

.................Ann says even though she’s got lots to do, I’ll still get my morning walk and I’ll still get my afternoon walk.

..............And if any of you ‘Edinburgh Blippers’ would like to join us on one of our walks; we’d love to meet you.

PS – If anybody in Edinburgh is looking for a two bed roomed flat in Morningside, with balcony, lift, car parking – please let us know.

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