A Dog's Dinner

By G

Last of the Summer Vine

Although we've been having a very lazy Saturday. Long lie, walk with the dog and general diddling about, BB has filled the house with the smell of roast tomatoes as she uses up the last of the summer's bounty. So we'll still be eating them in the depths of winter.

Tonight we're also eating the last of the courgettes. Weight Watchers turn away now.

Courgettes in Cream.

Thinly slice the courgettes.
Gently sauté them in lots of olive oil and garlic until cooked but not browned and still slightly al dente.

Add double cream and heat to thicken.

Take off the heat.

Add a handful of grated parmesan and mix until combined with the cream using the existing heat in the pan.

Grated a good lot of nutmeg and mix.

Add a tablespoon of chopped walnuts.

Toss into cooked pasta.

Mix in some chopped parsley

Eat with a side salad and a class of chilled Chablis

Well it's what we're about to have for our dinner tonight along with The Barber of Seville on Radio 3.

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