
By Houseonahill6

Blue Monday

This is one of my favourite songs by the band New Order. It was nt really a Blue Monday for me. Blue Monday was said to the third Monday in January but a drinks company have come up with today being the most depressing day of the year for some. Hardly surprising, it's not much fun going back to work or school after a holiday especially if the weather is bad.

The moon popped out early today and it reminded me of 'blue moon' a song that appeared in the film Grease.

January sees two new/super moons one was on the first and the second on the 30th this is one of the factors causing the high tides.

A blue moon is the second full moon to appear in the same month, never occurring in February though as the month is too short. It happens very rarely hence the saying 'once in a blue moon'.

The next full moon is on the 16th Jan also named by Native Americans the Wolf moon as wolves used to howl in hunger in front of a full moon in the cold of mid winter.

'Stargazing live' starts on BBC tomorrow and they are hoping to catch an Aurora live so expect a blanket of cloud to cover the whole of Scotland and beyond !

Hope you all had an enjoyable Monday :)

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