Big Sky
I'm sure the sky wasn't this big yesterday.
A slow start for me after Mr B's early start for work in Amsterdam. However, any sleep disruption for me is obviously nothing compared to him having to drive to the airport! (Though he has the benefit of having sensibly gone to bed at 9pm rather than foolishly staying up past midnight filling in my new shiny and partly home-made address book....)
A racing start for TallGirl who has yet again been foiled by the effect of the time change from Britain on her alarm. Despite sleeping in she seemed determinedly relaxed about not having completed the HUGE (too big) project the French teacher set for holiday homework (write a fully illustrated themed book with five original poems of specified types, all of which to include poetic techniques such as a play on words, alliteration, etc etc etc.) Turns out she should be renamed LuckyGirl as said teacher was off sick and the homework is now due for Wednesday.
Meanwhile, I headed into the school office for more accounts work, joined by the other parent doing the job and the lady we are replacing. I hope this calms down to a few hours a week quite soon or it's going to get very tedious.
Despite the super-warm weather (well, for the time of year), I failed at the first hurdle of my New Year plan to work in the garden at least 30 minutes every day. Tomorrow maybe. But the time was usefully employed in getting the holiday washing done, and writing a million invitations for CarbBoy's hastily arranged birthday party on Friday. I fear I may have somewhat lost control of the latter process - as I ended up just handing him a bunch of invitations and asking him to remember who he gave them to. Hmmm. Let's just hope he didn't miss out anyone who is easily offended, since I think he just handed them out to anyone he bumped into in the playground. And let's hope they don't all come...
I'm sure I promised myself a quiet relaxing time in January after the past hectic month or so...
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