Phone pic. .

Today I went driving With a very good friend around the Sussex countryside but guess what? I forgot my blinking SD card so all those photo opportunities wasted! ! I did however have my phone and managed a few shots. .
We stopped at a lovely little country pub for a coffee and a pot of tea. Candlelit even though it was the middle of the day.. I was amused at the diners on the biggest table in the middle of the restaurant, two mums with their children. . The children eating muscles with French fries and mayonnaise. . These children weren't precocious just very confident. . The Eldest child asking for Lemon water to clean her fingers. . She must have been all of 8 .. Rupert the youngest asked for the dessert menue. ..When he started reading it out to his sister he announced if you're fat you can't have this. .His mum was rather annoyed at this and scolded "Rupert you know that word is banned in this family" he apologised and corrected himself " if you have a rounded tummy you're not allowed this"!!

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