
By chrissypav

The Birds

Day at home, waiting on phone calls, I have a mountain of ironing.... again!!! but i couldn't bring myself to climb it.. So I ended up looking for a letter i wrote to my nanna when i was 5 thanking her for my lovely birthday present.. I got an ufen and a bag with a humbrela and a picnic basket.. I have placed this letter somewhere safe, so safe i can't find it!!!! I want it for another project i'm involved with.I need to photograph something from my childhood and this would be perfect. I'm going to think really hard where it could be. I looked in the box containing my wedding dress and boys christening outfits and other bits i've kept safe but noooo!!! Is it St Anthony you offer prayers to if you have lost items? I should know i went to St Anthony's school for two years! Oh well i'll keep looking..
Oh the picture was the birds flocking togther as they do. It was these or the sheep again!

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