A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

Finely Diced

Has a certain ring to it don't you think?!

We've come full circle once more & that dreaded day, Monday, is back upon us. As we've had dress down these last two weeks, & with the holiday breaking up the flow of a full week, I'm approaching this new week & beyond with a fresh zeal & determination. *I will not have a half day, go home, drink tea, eat cake, watch Breaking Bad & fall asleep on the sofa*. No sir! No more.

And so, with work successfully cracked, we settled in for an evening of Sherlock (layered it was, like a onion!), & absolutely brilliant & funny it was too, & homemade chicken biryani.

You can't say fairer than that.

Than what?

Then That!



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