The Mooooo

I was determined to get out and about today regardless of Audrey's teething situation. But last night was awful. Audrey and I hardly slept. Angus was out on a works night out so slept downstairs. Just as well as there was no need for us both to be awake.

As a result I was a walking zombie today, so lethargic and lacklustre. Just mooched about, watched far too much television and achieved very little. I hate days like these.

Audrey had an hour and a half nap this morning and another hour and a half this afternoon. I ended up waking her at 4pm as I worried she wouldn't sleep tonight.

She has been cranky and needy all day. I couldn't even make a cup of tea without her wanting to be held throughout the process (trickier than it sounds!)

Took her for a walk at 4pm on the reins down Crossland Road and back up Beech Road. She did really well to not want to be carried and was pretty content going from one muddy puddle in her wellies to the next.

She also developed an obsession with the moon (or the "mooooo" as she calls it) and kept saying hello and goodbye to it.

I think I'll be saying goodbye to it myself pretty soon. Night all...Zzzzzzzzz

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