My 40th year

By 54r4h

Back to school

Girls went back to school today, last minute pencil case hitch turned it all into a whirlwind to leave on time. First day back spinning too, I felt so much better flying on my endorphins the rest of the day. I took the dogs out for a run somewhere I visit a lot. Halfway round I thought I should look for a blip. I saw so many potential shots that wdve worked on my camera but just looked flat on my iPhone camera. This one is of a tree yhst got struck by lightning a couple of years ago. the colours in these strong vertical lines are striking.Lesson learnt today, get back into the habit of carrying my camera round with me. I rushed to collect Heidi at lunchtime then rushed off to gymnastics, called in at my parents to check my cats teeth and collected India. I fitted in a fair few jobs in between too. I know there's a routine to my non work days when schools back but I love the routine less holidays.

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