My 40th year

By 54r4h

Maisie came to work

Work day today and my lovely cat Maisie came too as she hasn't been eating well. Maisie came to me via an RSPCA rescue of lots of cats from a pet hoarders flat. She was about 9 months old and had cat flu, she played table football with us and desperately tried to escape the flat. After about 12 weeks I asked my parents to have her for a few months as they have a big garden and fields behind. Maisie was in her element dashing around the garden. Before moving from the flat we acquired Mr.Dylan the brown dog who turned out to be an incurable cat chaser. Maisie's 'few months' at my mums has been nearer 9 years. This is another iPhone photo ( I am going to get my actual camera out tomorrow for a dog walk) of Maisie in her kennel waiting to be stroked.

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