Looking over to Bennachie
It's that view again, the one I love and pass each day as I travel to work in Inverurie. It was really clear this morning, and quite bright, certainly a lot better than the greyness that has marked the last week or so. I've blipped this view on several occasions over the last year. Forgive me for that. My excuse is that each one is different from the other, and anyway it's my journal so I can add what I wish to it!
Many thanks for your supportive comments and best wishes for my first blipversary yesterday. I intend to keep snapping and recording, but it might not be every day as it almost was in the first year! I really admire those of you who take a daily picture and write a bit every day, and find time to comment. My commenting is much more spasmodic although I do take a peek whenever the opportunity arises at the daily offerings that make blip such a magical place, that celebrate our wonderful world and the people in it. Thankyou all.
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