Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Jetlag in Dubai

All good things must end :(

And after such a great vacation it would be a sin to complain, but the travel schedule home was a complete drain.

We left Hudhuranfushi by speed boat about 7 pm to get to the Male airport. From there we took a 10 pm flight that arrived in Dubai around 2 am. Here we had more than a 6 hour overlay. The kids were exhausted and it took at least an hour or so of standing guard and waiting before enough coveted lounge seats were vacated for all 9 of us to find a place to rest. The youngest got one of the first open seats and quickly fell asleep.

The final leg of our journey was a flight to Düsseldorf that left Dubai about 8 am. When we arrived in Germany, my husband and father-in-law took a train and taxi back to our house to get our cars and come back to the airport to collect the rest of us and our 10 pieces of luggage :) All told, we were en route for about 22 hours.

Now... back to our regularly scheduled life :)

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