
Not necessarily in distress - but definitely resting. I was absolutely ecstatic to see it, and swore a really big swear. And swore an even bigger swear when I saw the images I got. Whoopee.

I've never seen a damsel in our garden before. And despite my very best efforts I can't ID it.

Time is a bit limited at the moment, and commenting is almost zilch.

However, I would like everyone for propelling Ernie into the spotlight two days ago. He sends you all barks of approval and thanks, and said to say he's not at all aggressive, that's just the way he smiles.

Oh, before I forget, please everyone, take a look at new blipper Penpln. She is doing some amazing stuff with an iPhone.

Hairy legs

Here's the Rower's stick insect. We think.

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