Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Hospital, Hospital And One More Hospital!

Hospital 1: Cumberland Infirmary.
Visited Mum today, all is going reasonably with the treatment of her pnuemonia and she will be home later in the week when her medication has been sorted for her heart condition.

The highlight of the day for her was some carrot & coriander soup I bought from the restaurant and took up to the ward. Far superior, it seems, to anything on the ward meals trolley. The low point of the day for her was seeing me unpack clothing ready for discharge and noticing with horror that I had packed her cream shoes and expected her to wear them with her dark brown suit! (She has dark brown pair for that!)

Hospital 2: Royal Infirmary Edinburgh.
#2 Daughter phoned to say she needed us to know before we saw her blip that she had collapsed at her OU exam and had been taken by ambulance to A&E. No apparent breakages, just that rough feeling and pain that accompanies these falls. Exam to be taken in the spring.

Hospital 3: West Cumberland.
I'm saying this now so that I don't have to mention the "H" word tomorrow. I'm having a bone scan which is a new experience for me. One medication I take has the side-effect of reducing bone density, I take another one to offset that. If my bones look OK I can stop taking the latter.

I'm looking forward to the smell of the sea tomorrow!

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