Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Another Day in Edinburgh

The best news of the day has to be that, as I'm writing this, the Chilean miners are within hours of being rescued after 68 days of being trapped 2,000 feet below ground. This far outweighs the news that I have had another wonderful day in Edinburgh with katkatkat and her partner.

As much as I enjoy photographing birds for Blip, today most of my bird shots were of swan's ankles as The Man likes to record the location and number of every swan seen to report it's whereabouts to Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust. One of them can't be at all well, it sat on the bank letting us stroke it. Kat fed it some corn, keeping the pigeons away. I know, I shouldn't have risked upsetting it, but it wasn't alarmed and enjoyed the easy meal.

I felt the blip for the day had to be the Scottish Parliament Building, I'm one of the few people who like the outside and this is the first time I have been in. Sorry, but I really loved all I saw - this hall, the toilets, the shop and the café. Being the age I am, I had some misgivings about my camera going through the x-ray machine!!! Three cheers for the digital era and three cheers for the Scottish Parliament, I think they're being much better to their students than our London MPs.

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