Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

My favourite habitat

A flurry of activity last night, clearing out the spare room. Boxes of stuff, bags of shoes, bedding and curtains were all packed away in the cupboards, and now the spare room is looking a bit more habitable. With the imminent arrival of our pals - well not imminent - but it has enforced the spurt of activity that was needed.

With having less wall space than the last flat, but dozens of paintings, we’ve had to sort through them and store some for rotation later, send others (mainly prints or posters) to the charity shop. I think we’ve got it down the final few (dozen).

I have been pondering the Africa photos. Make a book? There weren’t enough photos that I'd consider good enough to print. Perhaps in a sequence, say, of a giraffe coming towards the 4WD, and strolling past us inches away, there wasn’t one excellent photo, but as a whole, they showed what it was like. Especially as JR had taken to shooting behind me, getting me in the photo as well.

Show them as a slideshow on my computer? That wasn’t ideal either. But I knew what was… To be able to show them on the humungous TV. For this I would need an Apple TV.

And so this morning, bright and early, after hanging out a washing, I set off on safari to my favourite habitat - the technology department of John Lewis. A quick demo of device, and I was off to the sales counter. I also had to buy a HDMi cable. One was £69.95, but I took the £27.95 one. When I was at the counter, while the lady was bagging my TV (the box was just bigger than a rubik cube) he leaned over and whispered, ‘If you go to Game in the mall, you’ll get the HDMi cable for under £10’… Very good of him. And I did. For £7!

As I was going into town I got off the bus a stop early as the sun shining on the buildings was lovely. I much prefer this weather to stifling heat, actually. The building on the left is the Balmoral Hotel, and on the right is what used to be the Post Office, but is now flash offices inside the old facade. Right at the end is Register House where you check up on your family tree.

Back home now and quite a wee while later I’ve got the TV working. Not the way it’s intended, through iCloud, but I can access the photos through my computer.

Now I can work on a slide show to bore every visitor for the next year or so!

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