
By BethAndCo

A very tired baby xxx

I got up early at 7am, as wanted to get Eva to nursery for 8.30, as usual, but as I was meeting Dean for my return to work meeting today, I wanted to also get the stew for tonight's tea prepared and into the slow cooker.

I was so happy when I dropped Eva off. I'd already decided that I wasn't going to hang around and chat, to try and make it easier for Eva, but she surprised me this morning by actually smiling as I handed her over to Debbie. I tried not to react too much as I didn't want to make it into a 'big thing', but as soon as I got back to my car, I let out a "yes!" It felt so good to leave her smiling and really put a spring in my step going off to my meeting.

I arrived to collect Eva at 5.30pm and tried very hard not to react to the huge bruise I could see on her forehead, I calmly asked what had happened, to be told she had been sat on the floor against the big orange octopus to stop her falling backwards, but Eva had fallen forwards, between her legs, and banged her head on the floor :-(. Apparently there had been lots of tears at the time, but had been treated with a cold compress and lots of TLC. I had to sign the accident book. I know there will be lots of bumps and bangs to come, but I was still upset that it had happened (hopefully they didn't see this though, as I tried to take it in my stride).

Today's nursery entry...
Date: 8/1/14
Key worker: Debbie
Parent Comments: Accident book and baby room book. Debbie not in next Mon or Tue
Breakfast: toast (ate some)
Snack: banana and orange (ate some)
Lunch: chicken, veg, potatoes followed by yoghurt (ate all)
Tea: grapes (ate none) cheese and crackers (ate all)
Bottles: 3oz after lunch/before sleep then 5oz after tea
Sleep: 12.05pm - 12.40pm
Nappies: 10 (w) 11.50 (ch) 2 (s) 4 (w)
Activities: Eva explored the rice play today. She rubbed her hands in the rice and picked up a handful and had a look at it.

I asked if she'd also tried to eat the rice, and yes she had lol.

Eva was absolutely shattered when we got home and was very clingy and crying a lot. I wondered whether she would eat any dinner as she seemed just too tired, but she was fine when we we all sat down together, and really enjoyed feeding herself with chunks of potato and carrot, pieces of tender beef, and little squares of swede, parsnip and onion from her stew. She loved it! And after dinner, there was no food on the floor and a clear highchair tray, she really has come on leaps and bounds with feeding herself now.

I tried to keep bath time as brief as possible as she cried and cried. She was so so tired :-( I managed to get her in bed by about 7.45pm and she just zonked xxx

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