
By BethAndCo

Eva's 2nd day at nursery.... Xxx

Eva woke as I was going to bed last night, had a load of milk, then went straight back off until my alarm went off this morning at 7.15 am. I may find a quieter alarm, as I was planning on getting myself ready before waking her, but my alarm obviously woke her through the wall. As it was this morning, she quite happily played in her cot whilst I got showered and ready, then gave me huge smiles and bounced excitedly in her cot as I went in to get her washed and dressed, then took her into our room for her milk.

I got her to nursery for 8.30am again, in time for breakfast. She was actually fine when we got in there, but I got chatting with Debbie, which delayed me leaving, and she got a bit upset. I'm going to just leave straight away tomorrow.

I collected her at 4pm, and she saw me walk into the room straight away today. She clings onto me so tightly and puts her head on my shoulder each time I come to fetch her, as I chat to Mandy or Debbie about her day. Debbie said she is doing so well. Said she has been working on Eva just sitting by the side of her though, as she always wants to sit on her lap, and it's difficult if she has other babies' nappies to do, for example. She said Eva loves her cuddles, I know she does, and I adore that about her.

I noticed Eva's photo on the baby room's weekly newsletter today. She's doing a lovely smile on it. I brought one home as a keepsake.

Here is Eva's entry today from the nursery....

Date: 7/1/14
Key worker: Debbie
Breakfast: Weetabix (refused) Toast (ate some)
Snack: breadsticks and raisins (ate all)
Lunch: Cottage pie and veg (ate all) Fruit cocktail (ate some)
Tea: Tomatoes (ate a little) Ham Sandwiches (ate quite a bit)
Bottles: 3oz after lunch/before sleep then 5oz around 3.30pm
Sleep: 12.10 pm - 1pm then 2.30 pm - 2.45pm
Nappies: 10-w, 11.50-ch, 2-w, 4-w
Activities: Eva has been exploring the ball pool, picking up and squeezing the different balls. Another trip on the choo choo wagon.
Key worker comments: Some lovely cuddles and smiles from Eva :-)

It did make me smile when she said Eva had eaten a bit of tomato then threw it on the floor (I hate tomatoes but didn't tell her that).

I played with Eva and her toys when we got back, read her 2 of her In The Night Garden books, then put her in her highchair whilst I went to do dinner.

Tonight we had sausage pasta bake with onions, mushrooms and red peppers chopped up into it. I also added a few chilli flakes and some garlic, and Eva loved it. She wolfed the pasta down. I asked at nursery if I should be giving her dinner at home and they said yes, always at least offer it.

I gave her some milk from me then on the sofa, before Mike took her up for her bath. I might start doing this more often, as she usually falls asleep during her feed on the bed, so this way, she gets half her feed while she's not as sleepy, so if she does fall asleep, at least she should be satisfied. Mike said she was falling asleep before he even got her in the bath tonight, poor babba. She was in bed, fast asleep by just before 8 tonight, absolutely shattered. Xxx

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