Winter warmer

Strange day. In-laws had been due to visit so I had planned to work elsewhere (working with a house full of guests never works out for me) but they were ill and laid up in bed at home so it ended up being just the three of us.

I worked from home but found it very difficult to motivate myself with those two downstairs.

Angus beasted a to-do list for the day which included boring but necessary jobs like ordering nappies and cleaning the pram! And he didn't moan about it once. I was impressed.

Had homemade red pepper, lentil and coriander soup for lunch (pictured) followed by a family nap. When we woke up we had tea and homemade lemon drizzle muffins in bed on a tray. It was so lovely. Audrey chomping away alongside us. It felt very decadent to be spending some time together in the daytime too.

Feel guilty about the work I didn't do but Audrey's in nursery tomorrow so will get a day back then.
Off out for dinner with a good friend tonight and leaving Angus to watch Sherlock (I know it's supposed to be good but I just don't get it!)
Everyone wins!

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