Great Teething Mysteries Vol 8

Why oh why oh why do Audrey's teething spells always coincide with my days with her? Mum and Dad have her on Wednesday, she's an angel. Angus has her yesterday, she's a doll. Today she was at nursery and she was in an adorable this morning (see pic of her sat in window watching her Dad leave for work). Everyone else gets the best of her. But come my day again, you can bet your bottom dollar she'll be cranky!

On the way to nursery this morning we came across a squirrel that had been run over on the path. The poor thing was in a right state I just didn't know what to do and couldn't just leave it there so ended up calling the RSPCA. Sadly by the time I'd got back, it had died. It really affected me. I do love animals and hate seeing them in pain. Horrible.

Spent the day doing work (and housework) and counting down the hours until I could pick Audrey up again. Saddo Mum or what!

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