And delphiniums blue

By flynnet


Meet Evelyn guys im not sure if I have told you about this beautiful girl before but she is my niece Dan's daughter..... as your all aware dan is only 18-19 in may and its been a bumpy ride getting to this point but we finally got to meet her today. Me and mum met Evelyn and her other grandma Christina in a cafe in town, It was very relaxed to say we have never met before are only contact been emails. Me and mum shed some tears of joy and I really didnt think I would but I did. Mum got the first cuddle of course and this is a photo I took on my mobile. It was like we had met before she is deffo a Mcguinness (my maiden name) she had a real look of my late gran and she pulled a face and it was like looking at my dad haha it really was brilliant to top it all she will be coming here not this sun but next for a couple of hours with just dan so looks like we will be seeing a lot more of her.

Abscess no better looks like a hospital job :(

love c x x x

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