
By AnyOldIron

Saying No To Your Inner Five Year Old

Sshhh ... not entirely legal photos week continues ...

I am quietly and gently determined that 2014 will be the year of Zen and mindful calm. Mind you I was determined that 2013 would be the year of many things and it turned out to be none of them.

I enjoy reading the blogs of much wiser people and the very wise Leo Babauta of Zen Habits advised me the other day to stop letting my five year old self keep making all the decisions, especially ones about whether to sit in front of my computer and work or to sit in front of trashy TV, eating chocolate biscuits in my jim jams.

So here's to all the decisions being made by the 43 year old from now on ... except the ones about what to wear of a morning. I quite fancy bringing the cowboy/sandals/see through umbrella look back ...

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