A beautiful day

It was a lovely sunny day in Edinburgh today so off I went, along the canal, for my afternoon walk.

I haven't been my normal, bouncy self today. I didn't even attempt to go swimming in the canal, even though there were ducks that needed chasing!!!

Ann thinks lack of sleep and lack of food in my tummy has worn me out??!!

She gave me my dinner at 5.30pm but I didn't even look at it - I just curled up in my bed for a little snooze.

Ann said, 'Molly, I'm off out to meet a friend for a drink, then we're going to 'Waitrose' to buy something yummy to eat for dinner. If you haven't eaten anything by the time I come back I'll grate some cheese on top for you.'

Well, cheese is my most favourite treat in the whole world so obviously when Ann came back I hadn't eaten my dinner. I snoozed in my bed and when Ann came home I got lots of yummy cheese on top of my dinner. YUM, YUM. I'm going to try not eating for a couple of days again!!!

Just walked Ann's friend to the bus stop so that I could have my bedtime wee at the same time. When I go for my bedtime wee at home we never see anyone...............

...................Life in the city is still buzzing!!!!!!!

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