Four walks & a busy day

I’ve had four walks today and no sleep time so I’m a tired little collie tonight.

My morning walk was a bit boring – we just trekked around the streets of Morningside for half an hour. I know a lot of you Blippers live in Edinburgh, but honestly, Morningside Road is like one big coffee shop?? Where do all these people come from, that sit around in coffee shops at 8am??

My afternoon walk was much more fun. I went to ‘Braidburn Valley’ and after a splish, splosh, splash around in the burn Scottish speak for stream! I went tree climbing on this massive tree which had obviously been blown over in the recent gales.

Then it was back to the flat for Ann to do more decorating.

At 4.45pm she said, ‘Molly I’m going to my friend, Susi’s, for dinner. Do you want to come with me?’ Well obviously I did, so I ran to the front door. However, I had to have a little pep talk first.

Susi has two cats and Ann told me I wasn’t to annoy them. She said, ‘Molly you are the guest and Garfield & Tabitha have invited you into their home so you must not chase them’. I sat and listened while giving Ann my appealing look. That lulled her into a false sense of security. Hee hee!!

As soon as I got into Susi’s I tried to chase Tabitha out through the cat flap but Susi picked her up and put her on the bed........................... So then I ‘evil eyed’ Garfield. I thought he might run away and then I could chase him – but he didn’t – he just ‘evil eyed’ me back.

.................So I’ve spent 4 hours ‘evil eying’ a cat, I’ve had to walk 40 mins to Susi’s & 40 mins back, I’ve watched Ann doing decorating jobs all day, I haven’t eaten my breakfast or dinner because I always get a bit stressed when I’m in a new place Ann can’t understand why I’ve had 4 poos when I’ve eaten nothing?? and now I’m lying flaked out in bed.

Life in Edinburgh is exhausting!!!

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