With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Wild one

I was so tempted to go back to bed this morning. But then I thought I saw a twister out at sea. I raced down to the port, but it had disappeared, or never was. No I'm not mad, it does happen sometimes.

However, a fantastic rainstorm swept in, there must have been amazing rainbows from somewhere. I drove up to the lighthouse on the South West of the Port and watched it scoot across the bay. After, I had a quick stroll round the promenade. The waves were crashing up on the broken pier (from a huge storm a couple of years ago) and the holiday makers looked quite amazed as the beach they were sunning themselves on yesterday was tossed about by the waves. They were happy though, it was beautiful.

There's a very big gin palace moored here, with a British flag. I don't know who it belongs to. It could be the one I saw in Palma last Sunday.

I'll put a couple of shots of this morning on my blog if you're interested. Have a great day everyone :)

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