Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Coffee break

We spent a lovely morning wandering around Kangaroo Point, QUT and the Botanical Gardens today. The wee man got close and personal with some large lizards today, and wasn't phased in the slightest.

Having dropped in a couple of years ago to speak to the students, I caught up with QUT's Ross Brown again. Following on from email chats, we discussed potential ways that I could become involved with the University. And help the next generation of students, albeit from afar. Assuming I get the all-clear from work, hopefully we'll be able to set something up over the next few months.

We meandered over to Pourboy's for lunch, where we met up with Nikki's cousin, and proprietor, Sebastian. Here he is, cuddling our young boy, dressed in the outfit Sebastian's mother bought him for Christmas. Several coffees later, we shakily returned to Gooma's house.

Nikki and I left the wee man with his Grandparents tonight while we enjoyed Nikki's Christmas to me - an evening at Witches Falls on Mount Tamborine.

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