
By Kangaroo

Graphic explanation

No photos when I went to transfer them off my mobile camera (wot?)

O no, not my mobile camera I love it.

I opened a scanned print version of a computer graphic, loaded it as a desktop background and opened a different version of the same graphic, that I then converted to a Focal B&W (using Picasa).

That's all folks. I then photographed the monitor screen with my camera.

Slap dash.

cbw is me and the graphic is titled Scraps .

The original graphic was created on a now redundant Mac using a Clarisworks program...if anyone remembers Clarisworks:)

Grumpy because it is so hot and it's now past midnight. It's a desperate and dippy blip. I could have taken a pic of a light bulb or a cup or something. And so much for the perfect weather. We are in a heat wave.

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