
By Houseonahill6

All the leaves are brown

I'd spotted these leaves a while back and then forgotten about them until I was looking through some photos I had taken before Christmas. Luckily they were still there and a lovely shade of coppery brown.
Another super day and when the sun was out it was warm enough to sit outside and soak up the sun. The view of the sun on the Firth was wonderful and although it was nt the quietest afternoon as they must have been chain sawing a tree along the railway track and a helicopter seemed to be out on practise over the Firth it was still lovely.
Was really hoping to see the sky light up with shades of green last night after all the hope from a certain programme but ,although it was a clear night, nothing appeared. I did see a shooting star and the moon looked glorious with some of it's craters on show.
Chicken and bacon and a swede mash for dinner and a baked apple and custard for pud.

Have a great weekend, you never know I might get a snowy shot !

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