
By Oceanspirit

Bleak mid-winter

Frosty start to what turned out to be another grey day.

Feeling blessed to have so many great things in my life right now.

Great yoga lesson this morning with lovely students which really set me up for the day. Seeing Mr Lovely on the way home made the morning even better. Quick couple of three hours at work in a job I love, then back home with all the kids who have been playing beautifully, building lego in their onesies.

Waiting for Mr Lovely to arrive so we can have tea which is bubbling away on the hob, then a lovely relaxing evening to unwind ready for the weekend.

My dream is every day. When I wake up, I want to find something new. Something beautiful about each day I'm given. I want to take the cards I'm given and play them with a smile, not to win, just to play.
Marilyn Grey

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