A day of shopping and party prep and a long long meeting in the evening that I just get more annoyed about the more I think about it. You know when folk know something bad is off in the distance, but they wait until it's right in front of them before they do anything about it? Well that's what's happening at school. Only they're only focusing on 'what about the teachers? We need to give them some certainty." And I just wanted to shout "What about the kids?" Sigh. Now we have to work really hard to dig ourselves out of a hole we never needed to be in.
Before all that, TallGirl had f.i.n.a.l.l.y finished her French homework (teacher who was sick on Monday now on training until next Monday) so we got her new fish tank already and transferred him into it. He seems jolly pleased with all the extra space - but keeps attacking his reflection. I guess his old (plastic box) home wasn't so shiny and reflective.
Meanwhile, I am also knitting a cushion cover. It's all thrills around here of a Thursday night.
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