
By AlrightFlower

I need a note on my letterbox...

...which says "I know you're all charities, and you're hopeful of donations which you desperately need to fund your research into heart disease/lung disease/cancer/child abuse (delete as applicable), but all you're succeeding in doing when you shove one of these through my door every few days is providing me with more bin bags than I'll ever use. I don't have enough clothes which I do wear to fill these bags, let alone those I don't want any more! And I could leave out the empty bag so you can reuse it, but I know you'll just leave it on my doorstep like a discarded rag."

Something tells me that my letterbox isn't big enough...


ps I'm not being dismissive of charity donations, really I'm not. On the rare occasion I do have an unwanted item of clothing, I put it to one side and it goes to one of the charity shops in town!

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