A drag act with a difference.

I finally got to see a Kabuki performance today in Osaka. Kabuki is traditional Japanese form of theatre, an art form rich in showmanship. It involves elaborately designed costumes, eye-catching make-up, outlandish wigs, and arguably most importantly, the exaggerated actions performed by the actors who are all men. Onnagata, actors who play women's roles, are very plausible and successful onnagata are famous in Japan and overseas. The main actor I saw today is one of only five in Japan who have been designated "living national treasures." (To these untrained eyes he did look pretty good!)

A packed performance with an audience of mostly Japanese; there were plenty of kimonos on display. No photographs were allowed (they were vigilant in ensuring this!) so this is the picture from the main foyer, just imagine a stage full of characters dressed like this!

I love acting. It is so much more real than life.
Oscar Wilde

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