All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


One of my hubbies Uni friends is currently over in Scotland with his American wife and 1 year old daughter. He moved to California about 9 years ago and as we haven't yet managed to make it over there, we only see them on the odd occasion they come over to Scotland for a holiday. As they have a lot of family and friends that they try to catch up with when they do come over, we felt very priviliged to be on their "list" and to have them stay with us tonight. It's also the first time we have met their adorable daughter, Sienna! She has just started walking properly since she has been over here and never stays still - makes it very difficult to photograph her but she's such a happy girl, I'll let her off!

We did feel a bit bad though that we had to abandon them for a few hours earlier this evening as we had to go to our first antenatal class! Due to everything that has been going on the past month or so I'd been a bit slow about booking it. It's actually for parents to be from 16 weeks onwards and I'm now 26 weeks, so was much further on than everyone else there! This meant we were already past a lot of the stages which were being discussed, but we did still learn some things so it was worthwhile going.

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