All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Square Eyes

Another busy day today for Ethan & I.

In the morning, one of the girls from my antenatal group came round to visit with her wee boy. Both him & Ethan sat quite happily playing on the playmat for much of the morning although they were playing independantly and ignored each other most of the time!

We then dropped my friend off at The Centre before we went to our weekly swimming class. It's the first Wednesday session we have been to and seemed strange going at lunchtime rather than first thing in the morning like we're used to. It was also a different swimming teacher but we really enjoyed it and it seemed like a friendly bunch of mummies, which is a bonus.

Then back home for a late lunch before heading along the M8 and over to Beith to stay with Granny & Grandpa for a few nights. It's the first time Ethan has been in his baby walker here since he started being able to move around in it. He has had great fun exploring the house and as you can see, took advantage of being able to get up and close (TOO close Ethan) to the tv to watch the news!

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